Namoo Chae Lee
Namoo is a director and writer specialising in intercultural work, blending her dramaturgical training in Western texts with her East Asian diaspora perspective.
With a strong foundation in ritualistic Korean theatre, she believes that theatre is a place to commune with the invisible, peeling back the layers of perceived reality to uncover what lies beneath.
Her work is interdisciplinary, guided by a passion for finding the right tools to serve each story. A strong advocate of Marshall McLuhan’s belief that “The medium is the message,” she studied musical theatre in New York and worked as a puppeteer with the political theatre company, Bread and Puppet, in Vermont. She also draws on her background in physical theatre from Korea.
Namoo is the founder of KASSNA KOLLEKTIV, a company dedicated to reimagining mythologies and folklores to address contemporary political issues through a non-patriarchal lens.
She is thrilled to join Headlong Origins and looks forward to exploring new artistic possibilities!