Justice Plan - Disability

Below is our employment data. It covers the past three years, which is the data we have current access to. We will continue to review historic employment data going back as far as possible and will be using this to inform our practices in the future.

Previously we have not recorded comprehensive data on employee’s socio-economic status, we will address this. Additionally, we believe the categories in which we currently ask people to define their ethnicity need rethinking. As a direct result of this action we are reviewing how we collect data to make sure it is fit for purpose going forward.

At Headlong it is our firm belief that making great art is inextricably linked with the pursuit of justice. We are acutely aware of the intersectionality of Deaf, disabled and neuro-divergent people in terms of ethnicity, gender, class and sexual orientation. As we tackle structural inequality at Headlong, the intersectionality of justice will be present throughout our planning. This is our Justice Action Plan: Disability and is the second part of our wider Justice Action Plans at Headlong, our Justice Action Plan: Race can be found here. We continue to work on plans related to LGBTQI+ communities, sustainability, women and class.  

Headlong would like to thank Graeae for their time and work in helping us create this document and for consulting on our continued learning and development in regards to disability.

Luke Davies

Freelance graphic and web designer based in South Wales.


Justice Plan - LGBTQIAA+